
Q: Will I need an account to use the EMS Web App (formerly Virtual EMS)? 
A: You may browse the room reservation system for events and facilities without an account, 但将需要一个白羊座.edu address to register for an account in order to make a reservation inquiry.

Q: If my student organization is not registered, may I request an account and reserve facilities? 
是的. You may contact 会议和活动 to add your student group, 或者在一个叫做“学生”的通用组下预订.”

Q: If I want to request a room and it does not come up as a selection, how do I reserve the space?  

A: There are several spaces that one will not see on the EMS Web App (example — Arnecliffe). 如果你想预订的话, contact 会议和活动 who will look into the usage of those spaces for you.

Q: Should I submit individual request for a series or recurring dates?  
A: You may make request for series reservations or recurring dates by clicking on “Recurrence”. You may select daily, weekly, monthly or random recurrence patterns.

是的.  A report is sent daily to 校园安全 that indicates when and where confirmed events take place.

A: We prefer that you request recurring spaces by semester and not for the entire academic year. You may request individual spaces 12 months in advance.

A: We do not confirm student group activities during the summer months but a student can reserve the kitchen at the SGA house. Administrative offices and academic departments can reserve space all 12 months of the year.

Q:  How will I know when my online request for a space has been approved?  
A:你会收到一封确认邮件. 如果请求有问题, Conferences will contact you to let you know and work with you to find a solution.

Q: I need to make a change to an existing reservation or I need to cancel an existing reservation. 我该怎么做呢?  
A: Call or email the 会议和活动 Office to make any changes to an existing reservation. It is important not to wait until the last minute to make changes so that your needs may be accommodated.

Q: Who do I contact if I want to have food at my event?  
餐饮服务——卡特莱夫一楼.  All food service must be provided by them or a waiver must be completed and approved by 餐饮服务. Please note this is not the case for the dorms which are considered “private” space. When you reserve a space, please indicate that you will be serving food. As soon as the food has been ordered through Dining Service or a waiver has been approved, your space will be confirmed by 会议和活动. If you are having an event that is not catered by 餐饮服务, you are required to make sure that all of your food and containers are properly disposed of and that you leave the space as you found it.

答:没有. Carpenter classrooms do not allow any food — catered or not.

A: Alcohol in any public event will require a bartender supplied by 餐饮服务. Please contact them directly to make these arrangements.

Q:  How do I arrange to have a party in a public space?  
A: You will need to contact Student Activities in Guild to make arrangements for Party Training as well as complete the paperwork. As soon as the Conferences Office is notified, the space will be confirmed.

A: You may request a student sound system through Virtual EMS. You are required to pick up the equipment from Multimedia as well as return it to them.

A: You may reserve the SGA Kitchen which has a full service kitchen and side dining room attached. 厨房可以随时使用.m. to midnight Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. 至星期六午夜及星期日中午至午夜. The key must be signed for at the Campus Center Information Desk and returned by midnight. 厨房里备有“基本”用品. Do not count on any food ingredients to be in the kitchen. You are not to leave anything behind and clean the kitchen upon your departure

A: Those spaces are considered private and you must contact the dorm president to make arrangements to use the spaces.  For “public” events, we are able to provide chairs and tables as well as AV equipment. Private events requiring multimedia must be reserved through the EMS Web App, but pick up is made directly with Multimedia at 610-526-7449.

Q. 我必须预订户外场地吗?  
是的. All space on campus short of the dorms must be reserved through the EMS Web App.

Q. 我可以预订施瓦兹体育馆吗?  
A: Arrangements to use space in the gym are done directly with the Athletic Department. For public events such as a tournament — please contact Conferences to add it to the events list for housekeeping and 校园安全 purposes.

Q.  我可以预订罗兹餐厅吗?  
是的. If the event is a public event such as a party or performance, you will need to contact Student Activities to complete paperwork. The space will be held until that paperwork is approved.

是的.  All requests for the dance studios (Denbigh and Pem) should be directly to the Dance Department located in Goodhart. For public events, please contact Conferences who will add it to the daily report.



101 N. 梅里恩大道