

人类学 approaches the study of humans from multiple perspectives, ranging in focus from the evolution of homo sapiens, to understanding major cultural-evolutionary changes through time, 对现代社会的研究. Bryn Mawr’s 人类学 department is one of only a few liberal arts college departments in the nation to offer coursework in all four subfields of American 人类学:  

  • 考古人类学, which studies patterns of prehistoric human settlement, 迁移, and interaction with the environment in different times and places 
  • Biological 人类学, which studies human evolution, growth, and development 
  • 文化人类学, 研究社会组织, 信仰体系, 以及当今社会的冲突
  • 语言人类学, which studies language and other forms of expressive and symbolic culture and their effects.   

在一起, these provide a curriculum that encourages students to see the human condition from multiple perspectives and to gain experience in utilizing different modes of inquiry, ranging from quantitative methods used in the natural sciences to qualitative methods used in the humanistic social sciences.

人类学 Departmental Learning Goal Bryn Mawr学习成果

1. To grasp the relevance of contemporary debates and issues in anthropology for understanding and critiquing imbalances of power and crises of our present-day world.

Critical thinking; ability to view problems from multiple perspectives

Introductory and elective courses emphasize the value of grounded anthropological approaches for addressing “big” problems such as gender and racial discrimination and other forms of inequality, 政治不稳定, 健康差异, environmental degradation and climate change, 迁移, 等. Most of our courses focus on or include significant amounts of material on the Global South, providing a crucial perspective distinct from that of Euro-American contexts.

2. To understand how contemporary anthropology reconstructs the outlines and patterns of human biological evolution and prehistoric cultural change.

Ability to view problems from multiple perspectives; quantitative skills

课程 in 考古人类学 and Biological 人类学 introduce students to the ways evidence from different sources can be put together, combining theory and method the social and natural sciences. Studies in these fields often involve quantitative methods and the modalities of scientific inquiry.

3. To develop knowledge of, respect for, and interest in cultural and societal differences.

Critical thinking; research skills

人类学 promotes awareness and understanding of difference within and between cultures and societies as a basic ethical component of a 21st century education. Many of our courses require students to think and research comparatively across different geographical and temporal contexts.  

4. To develop an informed and critical perspective on the history of anthropological thought and the production of knowledge more broadly.

Critical thinking; writing skills

All students are required to take a course in the history of anthropological theory in which they learn to develop their own theoretical discussion and writing skills. 更一般的, all our elective courses train students to critically consider the relationship between data and theory in the production of knowledge.

5. To gain first-hand experience of data collection methods used in one or more subfields of anthropology through class projects and designing and carrying out an independent senior thesis research project.

研究 skills; quantitative skills

Many elective courses give students hands-on experience with different research methods such as: ethnographic observation and interviewing; detailed linguistic analysis; analysis of pottery and lithics; bioarchaeology and forensics; analysis of geospatial data.

顶点体验, 一年的毕业论文, provides each student the opportunity to design and carry out their own independent research project, giving them in-depth experience with at least one kind of data collection method.

6. 获得关键的专业技能, including the ability to write a grant proposal for anthropological research and to present research questions, 结果, 以及口头和书面的分析

Writing skills; oral communication skills; research skills

在顶点, all students learn the writing and communication skills involved in putting together a professional grant proposal for research. Senior Conference class meetings provide a forum for students to practice their oral communication skills in regularly presenting their own research ideas and giving feedback to others.  Students are guided through the process of organizing and writing a 40–60-page thesis.





101 N. 梅里恩大道
