
每年出版, the Course 目录 sets out the requirements of the academic programs--the majors, 未成年人, 和浓度. Each Bryn Mawr student must declare a major before the end of the sophomore year. Students may also declare a minor or a concentration, but neither is required for the A.B. 学位. Students must comply with the requirements published in the Course 目录 at the time when they declare the major, 辅修和/或专业.

The Course 目录 also sets out the College requirements. Students must comply with the College requirements published at the time they enter 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

更多信息,请访问 目录主页 查看当前内容. To view 目录s from previous academic years, visit the 目录档案页.

学生可以修读生物化学专业 & 分子生物学. Required courses are drawn principally from the Biology 和 Chemistry Departments 和 those interested in the 生物化学 & 分子生物学 major should consult both Biology 和 Chemistry web pages. Students may double major in Biology 和 Chemistry, but are not permitted to double major in Biology 和 生物化学 & 分子生物学 or Chemistry 和 生物化学 & 分子生物学. 生物化学没有辅修课程 & 分子生物学. 生物化学专业学生 & 分子生物学 are not permitted to minor in Biology or Chemistry. No more than two non-Tri-Co courses may be counted towards the major.

生物化学 & 分子生物学 major allows the student to progress through a series of courses that emphasize underst和ing life at the molecular level 和 utilize experimental approaches. 研究 can be a valuable experience for students considering graduate or professional studies or for those planning research or teaching careers. Any Biology or Chemistry professor may be selected as a research adviser 和 students are encouraged to consult departmental advisers for information on how to join research groups. Students may begin conducting research at any point in their undergraduate experience with the approval of a faculty member. 

With careful advanced planning a student may enroll in 出国留学. 典型的生物化学 & 分子生物学 major will select a one-semester program in an English-speaking country such as Engl和, 威尔士, Australia or New Zeal和; other programs are possible.

生物化学 & 分子生物学 Requirements 和 Opportunities

学生可能有资格得A. B. 在生物化学 & 分子生物学 (BCMB) by completing courses in Biology 和 Chemistry with the following distribution. Students should be mindful that some courses have pre-requisites. Students interested in the BCMB major should complete CHEM 103/104 in their freshman year. Students should see the BCMB major adviser if they believe they qualify for advanced placement.


  • 生物学110:生物探索1
  • 化学103和104:普通化学
  • Chemistry 211/216 和 212/217 (lecture/lab): Organic Chemistry


Students will complete two writing-attentive laboratory courses before the end of their junior year.  为了满足这个要求, students typically select two courses from the following list: 375年生物学, 376年生物学, 化学251或化学252.


  • 375年生物学 OR 化学242 化学251
  • 化学377


  • 201年生物学
  • 376年生物学
  • 化学221 OR 化学222

Advanced Electives on Biochemically Related Topics

Two courses that provide depth 和 breadth are required 和 at least one must be at the 300 or 500 level OR have a laboratory component. 

Suggested courses include, but are not limited to:

  • 215年生物学
  • 216年生物学
  • 255年生物学
  • 271年生物学
  • 317年生物学
  • 352年生物学
  • 化学221 or 222 (when not used as a Core course)
  • 化学231
  • 化学311
  • 化学332
  • 化学345
  • 化学515

Students are encouraged to consider suitable course offerings at Haverford 和 Swarthmore. All advanced elective choices must be approved by the major adviser.



选项1 – 2 semesters of Biology 400 or Chemistry 398/399, plus all requirements associated with the senior thesis.

选项2 – Independent Study or Praxis on a biochemical topic arranged by the student, plus all requirements associated with the senior thesis.

选项3 – An additional biochemically-related advanced elective at the 300-level or with a laboratory component.


  • 数学101、102
  • 数学201


There are a variety of ways to meet the major requirements provided that 100 level courses in Chemistry are completed by the end of the freshman year. Fundamental courses in Biology 和 Chemistry must be completed before the junior year. 生物375 OR 化学242 251门课程必须在大四之前完成. Note that 数学201 is required as a pre-requisite for 化学221 or 222. Two sample programs are shown here; other curricular configurations are possible.


  • First year: Chemistry 103, 104; 数学101、102
  • Sophomore year: Biology 110; Chemistry 211 & 216, 212 & 217; 数学201
  • Junior year: 201年生物学, 255; 化学222, 242, 251
  • Senior year: 352年生物学, 376; Chemistry 377; 资深的经验


  • First year: Biology 110, 111; Chemistry 103, 104; 数学101、102
  • Sophomore year: 201年生物学; Chemistry 211 & 216, 212 & 217; 数学201 
  • Junior year: 216年生物学, 375; 化学222, 377
  • Senior year: 317年生物学, 376; 资深的经验


为了获得荣誉,生物化学 & 分子生物学 Majors must complete two semesters of research (选项1) or an approved independent study or praxis (选项2) 和 have a GPA of 3.本专业所有课程成绩为7分.


Students are instructed to follow the policies described by individual departments.




Department of Biology/Department of Chemistry

101 N. 梅里恩大道