Program Requirements and Opportunities

Published annually, 课程目录列出了学术课程——专业的要求, minors, and concentrations. 每个布林莫尔的学生必须在大二结束前宣布一个专业. 学生也可以选修辅修或主修科目,但这两项都不需要获得a.B. degree. 学生在申报专业时必须遵守《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》中规定的要求, minor and/or concentration.

课程目录还列出了学院的要求. 学生必须遵守在进入布林茅尔学院时公布的学院要求.

For more information, visit the Catalog Homepage to view the current content. 要查看以前学年的目录,请访问 Catalog Archives page.


学生可以辅修舞蹈或戏剧,合格的学生可以申请主修舞蹈, or Theater through the independent major program. 学生可以在哈弗福德学院主修美术或主修或辅修音乐. 

艺术课程的目的是为那些希望在自己的领域接受高级培训的学生做准备,也为那些希望通过在严肃和有纪律的水平上进行的艺术工作来扩大学术研究的学生. 课程分为入门级和高级级.


舞蹈是一门艺术,也是创造性工作的一个领域,也是一种重要而持久的人类行为,可以作为文科创造性和学术研究的核心. 舞蹈课程提供芭蕾进步性课程, modern and jazz, 以及各种流派和传统的各种课程. 学生也可以在三个层次的作曲和编舞课程中研究创作过程. 为学生提供的表演机会包括春季舞蹈音乐会, 学生与专业编舞或重建工作,并在我们的主要舞台剧院表演, and our School Performance Project, 在整个费城地区的学校里传播. 该计划的讲座/研讨会舞蹈研究课程旨在向学生介绍舞蹈作为学术探究的重要领域, and include examinations of dance theory, history and criticism, dance historiography, dance and embodied activism, and practical anatomy for dance.  

Students can take single courses in dance, minor in dance, 或者通过独立的专业项目完成一门专业. 舞蹈辅修或独立舞蹈专业的核心学术课程包括中级或高级技术课程, performance ensembles, dance composition, independent work, and courses in dance studies.

Minor Requirements

对舞蹈辅修课程的要求是六个单元的课程:三个必修(ARTD B140)和三个作曲课程中的两个, B142, B242, or B243) and two .5学分工作室课程:必须从以下技术课程中选择一门:136, 137, 138, 139, 141, or any 200 or 300 level technique course; the second .5 credit course must be a technique course at the 200 or 300 level or selected from among the following performance ensembles: 345-350); three approved electives; and attendance at a prescribed number of performances/events. With the advisor's approval, 辅修的一门选修课可以从联合的三学院院系中选择.

Independent Major in Dance Requirements

The independent major requires eleven courses, drawn primarily from our core academic curriculum and including: ARTD 140 and one additional dance lecture/seminar course; two dance composition courses (ARTD B142, ARTD B242, or ARTD B243); one 0.申报专业后每学期修读5门中高级技术课程. 强烈建议参加表演合奏团. 该专业还要求参加规定数量的表演/活动, 通过参加两个舞蹈或经批准的联合项目或部门的写作课程,展示舞蹈的基本写作能力, and a senior capstone experience. With the advisor's approval, 两门专业选修课可以从联合的三学院院系中选择.

In both the minor and the major, 学生可以选择强调该领域的一个方面, 与舞蹈教师就他们的学习课程进行了协商.

Technique Courses and Performance Ensemble Courses

舞蹈课程提供全方位的舞蹈指导,包括芭蕾课程, modern, jazz, West African, and Hip Hop, 以及从其他文化艺术和社会形式如弗拉门戈发展而来的技术, Classical Indian, Latin social dance, and tap dance, among others. 高级芭蕾课程需要芭蕾舞预备班. Performance ensembles, choreographed or re-staged by professional artists, are by audition and are given full concert support. “学校表演项目”参观了当地的K-12学校. Technique courses ARTD 136-139, 141, 230-232, 330-331, and all dance ensembles are offered for academic credit; alternatively, 所有技术课程和合奏课程都可以获得体育学分(见下文).


PE B101 Ballet: Beginning Technique
PE B102 Ballet: Intermediate Technique
PE B103 Ballet: Advanced Technique
PE B104 Ballet Workshop
PE B105 Modern: Beginning Technique
PE B106 Modern: Intermediate Technique
PE B107 Modern: Advanced Technique
PE B108 Jazz: Beginning Technique
PE B110 Jazz: Intermediate Technique
PE B111 Hip Hop Technique
PE B112 African Diaspora: Beginning Technique
PE B118 Movement Improvisation
PE B120 Intro to Flamenco
PE B131 Tap: Learning and Performing
PE B145 Dance Ensemble: Modern
PE B146 Dance Ensemble: Ballet
PE B147 Dance Ensemble: Jazz
PE B148 Dance Ensemble: West African
PE B149 Dance Ensemble: School Performance Project
PE B150 Dance Ensemble: Hip Hop
PE B195 Movement for Theater
PE B196 Dance Composition Lab
PE B197 Directed Work in Dance

Courses for Academic Credit

ARTD B136 Modern: Beginning Technique
ARTD B137 Ballet: Beginning Technique
ARTD B138 Hip Hop Lineages
ARTD B139 Movement as Freedom: Improv/Freestyle
ARTD B140舞蹈之道:主题与视角
ARTD B142 Dance Composition: Process and Presence
ARTD/ANTH B223 Anthropology of Dance
ARTD B220 Screendance: Movement and the Camera
ARTD B225 Dancing Histories/Writing Dance
ARTD B230 Modern: Intermediate Technique
ARTD B231 BalletIntermediate Technique
ARTD B232 Jazz: Intermediate Technique
ARTD B241舞蹈史II:当代西方剧场舞蹈史
ARTD B242 Dance Composition: Elements and Craft
ARTD B245 Dance: Close Reading
ARTD B250 Performing the Political Body
ARTD B265 Dance, Migration and Exile
ARTD B267 Diasporic Bodies, Continuous Revivals
ARTD B270 Diasporic Bodies, Citizenship, and Dance
ARTD/ANTH B310表演城市:空间中的身体理论化
ARTD B330 Modern: Advanced Technique
ARTD B331 Ballet: Advanced Technique
ARTD B342 Advanced Choreography
ARTD B345 Dance Ensemble: Modern
ARTD B346 Dance Ensemble: Ballet
ARTD B347 Dance Ensemble: Jazz
ARTD B348 Dance Ensemble: African Dance Forms
ARTD B349舞蹈团:学校表演项目
ARTD B350 Dance Ensemble: Hip Hop
ARTD B400 Senior Project/Thesis
ARTD B403 Supervised Work



Contact Us

Dance Program

Goodhart Hall
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5208

Lela Aisha Jones
Director of Dance
(610) 526-5207