Romeo and Juliet Party Scene  (3)


欢迎! One important thing to know about 剧院 at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 is that everyone is welcome—no matter their level of experience.

好奇心, 努力工作, and excitement are qualities the faculty and staff hold dear, in themselves and in their students, 有了这些品质, students are well set up to learn the skills involved in theater. 

Developing those skills is partly the scholarly work of 研究ing and reading theory, and partly the work of putting that theory into practice. 作为演员, 戏剧编剧, 董事, 设计师, 舞台经理, and in many other roles working on theater productions, students are asked to take what they learn in class and rehearsal and go deeper, by applying that learning to the creative process of making live performance, as well as through discussion and writing. 

马克的主, 导演, 戏剧编剧, 作家, and chair of the 剧院项目 says, “Our program is grounded in the actual making of theater, which means that we engage fully in the creative work and the theories that engage that work. We try to put theory and practice into productive dialogue with one another. 通过这样做, we enter into conversation with artists who have gone before us and with artists in the same room with us, as we test what we’ve learned, formulate our own new ideas and questions, and strengthen our own creative practices.”  

The 剧院项目 actively supports and promotes the value of creative practice in a liberal arts education. 

The 剧院 Program is made up of working artists. Everyone involved has their own creative life—they act, 直接, 研究, 写, 设计, and make all sorts of things, here at Bryn Mawr and beyond the campus, 在他们自己的生活中. As artists committed to the development of their own creative practices, faculty and staff are deeply committed to helping students develop a creative practice and lives of their own as artists. 

Why is all that important? Assistant Professor of 剧院 凯瑟琳Slusar, an actor and 导演 and the program's main acting professor, has this to say about the role of theater and the arts in a liberal arts education:

剧院 is like a curiosity engine that helps to form agile minds through learning to dissect metaphor and imagine new worlds from a variety of perspectives. This curiosity serves to further students in any major they choose to pursue. We cannot create new worlds, new vaccines, new experiments unless we can imagine them. 贝尔·胡克斯写道,"The function of art is to do more than tell it like it is—it’s to imagine what is possible.” We cannot imagine if we do not learn to question and to wonder. The study of theater and the arts is not an extra; it is essential to a true liberal arts education.

Students do not need to major or minor in theater to be involved (but they can!). And students don’t need to want a career in theater (although, faculty and staff will happily guide them in that 直接ion if that is the goal—even for those who are not majors). Every student involved in the 剧院项目 is welcome to audition, 上课, 生产工作, 深入挖掘, 问问题, and expand their liberal arts education and their lives as creative thinkers through the work done here. 

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101 N. 梅里恩大道
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010