Differences between 的想法 IEPs, 504 Plans, and 大学 Accommodations


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (的想法) is a federal law that governs any special education service or policy for children ages 3 to graduation (or until age 21 if the student remains in high school until then). An IEP (Individualized Education Plan) is developed by an “educational team” for that specific student and stipulates how that student’s education will be individualized for the child to learn and succeed. 为此目的, the student is often allowed modifications in the curriculum (such as with delivery and testing of the curriculum), and in the grading process to achieve some 成功 in school. 例如, a student with an IEP may earn an A in a course if he/she completes 70% of the coursework rather than 100%, or the student may be allowed the accommodation of having tests shortened or choosing from fewer possible answers.  


第504节 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects individuals from discrimination based on their disabilities. This Act governs any public school or college that accepts any type of federal financial assistance. The seven-part Act is divided into Sections A-G. Subpart D applies to K-12 schools and Subpart E applies to postsecondary institutions. Subpart E mandates that qualified postsecondary students with disabilities be offered the opportunity to complete a degree with all other, 非残疾学生. 


The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is a federal civil rights law structured to provide equal opportunities for all people with disabilities. 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 requires equal 访问 and protects individuals from discrimination based on their disabilities. 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 trumps all other acts regarding students in the postsecondary world.


A K-12 student is, in essence then, in an environment designed to ensure student 成功.  However, a post-secondary student is in an environment that must ensure equal 访问.  At the post-secondary level, the 成功 of the student is up to the student.

过程 K-12 大学
法律的目的是什么? Students are entitled to a free appropriate public education; qualified persons with a disability cannot be discriminated against To ensure that qualified persons with a disability will not be discriminated against and will have 访问—not entitlement—to academic programs and services
谁受保? Infants through high-school graduates All otherwise qualified individuals who meet entry criteria and who can document the existence of a disability as defined by the ADA and who have needs related to 访问
中心思想 教育是一种权利. Fundamental alterations of programs and services are required. 教育是一个机会. Students must meet admissions criteria and be otherwise qualified. Students must also follow/meet other criteria of the institution such as health, 字符, 技术标准, 行为准则和课程目标. No fundamental alterations of programs and curricula are required.
识别 Schools responsible for identifying students 学生必须自我认同
文档 Schools responsible for testing students Students must arrange for and pay for their own testing
服务 Schools responsible for any needed services. School must provide whatever services will help the student succeed in class. If necessary, schools must provide individualized tutoring. 学生必须寻求服务. Students allowed only certain accommodations in college classrooms. 学生必须寻求辅导, 如果需要, and must pay for it if the college does not provide tutoring for 非残疾学生. Individualized instruction is not likely/guaranteed.
沟通 Schools must communicate with parents at regular intervals about the student’s progress 大学 is not permitted to contact parents without student’s permission
住宿安排 School must develop a formal plan and it is the school’s responsibility to track student growth Student must request and be eligible for accommodations EACH semester and the student is responsible for much of the accommodation process
住宿的差异 Typical accommodations may include: reduced assignments (requiring students to submit less work than others), 延长作业时间, grading changes (counting daily work equal with semester tests), 测试格式更改, repeated chances to make a passing grade 不会减少作业, 延长作业时间 is usually at the discretion of the professor, 没有等级变化, no 测试格式更改 other than providing equal 访问, no extra attempts at tests; in other words, accommodations must be reasonable and must not compromise the rigor and/or academic integrity of the class



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