Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law Fellowship, Yale Law School


The Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law, Yale School of Law

 我为什么要申请?  Make connections at a great law school and with peers at other great institutions. Participate in a Public Interest Law Colloquium with other undergraduates from Barnard, 棕色(的), 哈佛大学, 普林斯顿大学, 斯佩尔曼, 斯坦福大学, 和耶鲁大学. Engage with incredible thought-leaders at the Public Interest Law Colloquium. Distinguish your summer internship as Liman Summer Fellow on your resume. 
What exactly am I applying for/what is a Liman Fellow?  You are applying to attend the Public Interest Law Colloquium, Incarceration and Public Health:  The Many Harms and Costs @ Yale from April 4-6th. This event will include a special program for this year’s Liman Summer Fellows. You will meet a cohort of undergraduates from Barnard, 棕色(的), 哈佛大学, 普林斯顿大学, 斯佩尔曼, 斯坦福大学, 和耶鲁大学 (who also attend the Colloquium) interested in public service.  最后, if selected you will be distinguishing your summer internship as a Liman Summer Fellow, which means submitting a final reflection at the end of the summer to Yale’s Liman Center.
What are the requirements to apply?  你一定是 规划 to do an 8-10 week summer internship at a non-profit organization in the United States that focuses on social justice and public interest law, which is defined broadly and may include various advocacy methods and policy work. Host organizations serve the public good in a variety of ways. Many provide lawyers for people who cannot afford them. Some advocate on behalf of underserved communities. Others shape public policy. Organizations must be in the United States. Organizations are not limited to organizations in a particular field. Subject areas of host organizations have included immigration, 住房, labor and workers’ rights, 刑事辩护不足, death penalty representation, 残疾人权利, children and family services, 环境政策, and mental health advocacy. Organizations must be federally-designated nonprofits—those with 501(c)(3) status. For-profit institutions do not qualify. Applicants are encouraged to look for host organizations that have resource needs and serve communities with resource needs.

你的实习 不需要 to be secured to apply to be designated as a Liman Fellow.  Please note that sophomores and juniors are eligible to apply.
我如何申请? A complete application includes: your contact information, 份单页的简历, 1-2 page personal statement and the names of two references. Please apply by submitting the 职业生涯 and Civic Engagement | Liman Summer 2024 Fellowship Application Form. Do NOT apply through the Handshake listing.
What are the funding options if the internship I secure is unpaid? 
1.      Are selected as a Liman Fellow 
2.      You secure an unpaid internship at a non-profit organization in the U.S. focused on social justice and public interest law that is 8-10 weeks long 
3.      The internship fits the criteria for funding offered by the 职业生涯 & 公民参与中心
Then Liman Fellows are guaranteed to receive summer funding from the 职业生涯 & 公民参与中心 and become a participant in the Beyond Bryn Mawr 夏天的资金 Program for Summer 2024.

For questions, please contact Jennifer 领域 at


The Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law supports Yale undergraduates 和耶鲁大学 Law School graduates working in the public interest. Public interest law includes a variety of types of law-related work done in furtherance of the public good. Examples of organizations doing such work include non-profit offices that provide representation for individuals who cannot afford attorneys, organizations that advocate on behalf of underserved communities, and non-profits and government offices that shape public policy.

问题?  请联系Jennifer 领域 来自职业生涯 & 公民参与中心 at



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